The Best Way to Treat Septic Shock – Is to Prevent It!

Studies show that although most people recover from mild sepsis, the mortality rate for septic shock is nearly 50 percent. The risk factors for mortality persist despite treatments for severe sepsis and septic shock, creating the demand for tools that can detect the early onset stages of this disease. Of patients who die, 62.3% die within 12 hours of the onset of septic shock.

VFusion™ Sepsis is a highly innovative EMR data analytics platform that combines comprehensive ontological models of the significant sepsis evidence base with natural language processing and “big data” science techniques to improve the detection and predictive diagnosis of sepsis in the acute care environment. By combining our clinical ontologies with a repository of thousands of ICU patient encounters, VFusion has demonstrated extraordinary power to detect the onset of sepsis 24-48 hours before usual care baselines with an impressive AUC of .95 achieving an excellent balance of sensitivity and specificity.

* Leverage clinical ontologies developed by experts in sepsis and emergency medicine, utilizing semantic models with over 500,000 classes and 2M axioms.

* Treat sepsis hours sooner than usual care, preventing disease progression and minimizing risk of mortality and readmissions.

* Designed to integrate with any modern EMR interfaces, supporting HL7, FHIR, APP stores, and equipment interface protocols.

* Alerts can be presented directly in the present care management systems to align with existing protocols and workflows, and the excellent specificity eliminates alert fatigue.

* Intelligent alerts arrive with explanatory text and diagnostic prompts that provide context to the alert, identifying detection parameters and gaps in diagnoses.

Imagine what a doctor could do if they had all relevant data for every patient at their fingertips 24×7…AND the time to analyze it

Data can be presented as coded or free text. The recommended interval for data reporting is one to six hours. Only new measurements need to be transmitted at each interval.

Minimum Data Required

Blood Pressure, CVP
Cultures Ordered
Vasopressor Administered
Fluid Resuscitation
Vital Signs

Additional Data Required

Liver Enzymes
Glasgow Coma Scale
Urine Output
PaO2 / FiO2
Antibiotics Ordered


Procedures / Surgeries
Nurse and Doctor Notes
Principal Diagnosis
Patient History
Admitted Route, Etiology
Other Medication List

Data is held in state machines which process symptoms, labs, and vitals with temporal awareness, appreciating concurrence, acceleration of trends, and intervals.


Early Warning Sepsis
Severity 2

Criteria / Reason

Lactate, WBC, Blood Pressure, Cultures Ordered

Diagnostic Discriminators

Patient on beta blockers. Post-op patient. Transfer from ICU.

For more information send us an email by clicking here or call 312-725-8857